Soften(v. i.) To become soft or softened, or less rude, harsh, severe, or obdurate.
Soften(v. t.) To make soft or more soft.
Soften(v. t.) To render less hard; -- said of matter.
Soften(v. t.) To mollify; to make less fierce or intractable.
Soften(v. t.) To palliate; to represent as less enormous; as, to soften a fault.
Soften(v. t.) To compose; to mitigate; to assuage.
Soften(v. t.) To make less harsh, less rude, less offensive, or less violent, or to render of an opposite quality.
Soften(v. t.) To make less glaring; to tone down; as, to soften the coloring of a picture.
Soften(v. t.) To make tender; to make effeminate; to enervate; as, troops softened by luxury.
Soften(v. t.) To make less harsh or grating, or of a quality the opposite; as, to soften the voice.
Softened(imp. & p. p.) of Soften
Softener(n.) One who, or that which, softens.
Softening() a. & n. from Soften, v.
Softening(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Soften

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