Signal(a.) Noticeable; distinguished from what is ordinary; eminent; remarkable; memorable; as, a signal exploit; a signal service; a signal act of benevolence.
Signal(a.) Of or pertaining to signals, or the use of signals in conveying information; as, a signal flag or officer.
Signal(n.) A sign made for the purpose of giving notice to a person of some occurence, command, or danger; also, a sign, event, or watchword, which has been agreed upon as the occasion of concerted action.
Signal(n.) A token; an indication; a foreshadowing; a sign.
Signal(v. t.) To communicate by signals; as, to signal orders.
Signal(v. t.) To notify by a signals; to make a signal or signals to; as, to signal a fleet to anchor.
Signaled(/) or Signalled (imp. & p. p.) of Signal
Signaling(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Signal
Signality(n.) The quality or state of being signal or remarkable.
Signalize(a.) To make signal or eminent; to render distinguished from what is common; to distinguish.
Signalize(a.) To communicate with by means of a signal; as, a ship signalizes its consort.
Signalize(a.) To indicate the existence, presence, or fact of, by a signal; as, to signalize the arrival of a steamer.
Signalized(imp. & p. p.) of Signalize
Signalizing(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Signalize
Signalling() of Signal
Signally(adv.) In a signal manner; eminently.
Signalment(n.) The act of signaling, or of signalizing; hence, description by peculiar, appropriate, or characteristic marks.

Words within signalers