Ridicule(a.) Ridiculous.
Ridicule(n.) An object of sport or laughter; a laughingstock; a laughing matter.
Ridicule(n.) Remarks concerning a subject or a person designed to excite laughter with a degree of contempt; wit of that species which provokes contemptuous laughter; disparagement by making a person an object of laughter; banter; -- a term lighter than derision.
Ridicule(n.) Quality of being ridiculous; ridiculousness.
Ridicule(v. t.) To laugh at mockingly or disparagingly; to awaken ridicule toward or respecting.
Ridiculed(imp. & p. p.) of Ridicule
Ridiculer(n.) One who ridicules.
Ridiculing(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Ridicule
Ridiculize(v. t.) To make ridiculous; to ridicule.
Ridiculous(a.) Fitted to excite ridicule; absurd and laughable; unworthy of serious consideration; as, a ridiculous dress or behavior.
Ridiculous(a.) Involving or expressing ridicule.

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