Rascal(a.) Of or pertaining to the common herd or common people; low; mean; base.
Rascal(v.) One of the rabble; a low, common sort of person or creature; collectively, the rabble; the common herd; also, a lean, ill-conditioned beast, esp. a deer.
Rascal(v.) A mean, trickish fellow; a base, dishonest person; a rogue; a scoundrel; a trickster.
Rascalities(pl. ) of Rascality
Rascality(n.) The quality or state of being rascally, or a rascal; mean trickishness or dishonesty; base fraud.
Rascality(n.) The poorer and lower classes of people.
Rascally(a.) Like a rascal; trickish or dishonest; base; worthless; -- often in humorous disparagement, without implication of dishonesty.

Words within rascality