Pound(n.) An inclosure, maintained by public authority, in which cattle or other animals are confined when taken in trespassing, or when going at large in violation of law; a pinfold.
Pound(n.) A level stretch in a canal between locks.
Pound(n.) A kind of net, having a large inclosure with a narrow entrance into which fish are directed by wings spreading outward.
Pound(n.) A certain specified weight; especially, a legal standard consisting of an established number of ounces.
Pound(n.) A British denomination of money of account, equivalent to twenty shillings sterling, and equal in value to about $4.86. There is no coin known by this name, but the gold sovereign is of the same value.
Pound(pl. ) of Pound
Pound(v. i.) To strike heavy blows; to beat.
Pound(v. i.) To make a jarring noise, as in running; as, the engine pounds.
Pound(v. t.) To strike repeatedly with some heavy instrument; to beat.
Pound(v. t.) To comminute and pulverize by beating; to bruise or break into fine particles with a pestle or other heavy instrument; as, to pound spice or salt.
Pound(v. t.) To confine in, or as in, a pound; to impound.
Pounded(imp. & p. p.) of Pounce
Pounded(imp. & p. p.) of Pound
Pounding(n.) The act of beating, bruising, or breaking up; a beating.
Pounding(n.) A pounded or pulverized substance.
Pounding(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Pound
Pounds(pl. ) of Pound
Pounds(pl. ) of Pound

Words within pounding