Potent(a.) Producing great physical effects; forcible; powerful' efficacious; as, a potent medicine.
Potent(a.) Having great authority, control, or dominion; puissant; mighty; influential; as, a potent prince.
Potent(a.) Powerful, in an intellectual or moral sense; having great influence; as, potent interest; a potent argument.
Potent(n.) A prince; a potentate.
Potent(n.) A staff or crutch.
Potent(n.) One of the furs; a surface composed of patches which are supposed to represent crutch heads; they are always alternately argent and azure, unless otherwise specially mentioned.
Potentate(a.) One who is potent; one who possesses great power or sway; a prince, sovereign, or monarch.
Potentize(v. t.) To render the latent power of (anything) available.
Potentized(imp. & p. p.) of Potentize
Potentizing(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Potentize
Potently(adv.) With great force or energy; powerfully; efficaciously.
Potentness(n.) The quality or state of being potent; powerfulness; potency; efficacy.

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