Perpetuable(a.) Capable of being perpetuated or continued.
Perpetual(a.) Neverceasing; continuing forever or for an unlimited time; unfailing; everlasting; continuous.
Perpetually(adv.) In a perpetual manner; constantly; continually.
Perpetuance(n.) Perpetuity.
Perpetuate(a.) Made perpetual; perpetuated.
Perpetuate(v. t.) To make perpetual; to cause to endure, or to be continued, indefinitely; to preserve from extinction or oblivion; to eternize.
Perpetuated(imp. & p. p.) of Perpetuate
Perpetuating(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Perpetuate
Perpetuation(n.) The act of making perpetual, or of preserving from extinction through an endless existence, or for an indefinite period of time; continuance.
Perpetuity(n.) The quality or state of being perpetual; as, the perpetuity of laws.
Perpetuity(n.) Something that is perpetual.
Perpetuity(n.) Endless time.
Perpetuity(n.) The number of years in which the simple interest of any sum becomes equal to the principal.
Perpetuity(n.) The number of years' purchase to be given for an annuity to continue forever.
Perpetuity(n.) A perpetual annuity.
Perpetuity(n.) Duration without limitations as to time.
Perpetuity(n.) The quality or condition of an estate by which it becomes inalienable, either perpetually or for a very long period; also, the estate itself so modified or perpetuated.

Words within perpetual