Object(a.) Opposed; presented in opposition; also, exposed.
Object(v. i.) To make opposition in words or argument; -- usually followed by to.
Object(v. t.) That which is put, or which may be regarded as put, in the way of some of the senses; something visible or tangible; as, he observed an object in the distance; all the objects in sight; he touched a strange object in the dark.
Object(v. t.) That which is set, or which may be regarded as set, before the mind so as to be apprehended or known; that of which the mind by any of its activities takes cognizance, whether a thing external in space or a conception formed by the mind itself; as, an object of knowledge, wonder, fear, thought, study, etc.
Object(v. t.) That by which the mind, or any of its activities, is directed; that on which the purpose are fixed as the end of action or effort; that which is sought for; end; aim; motive; final cause.
Object(v. t.) Sight; show; appearance; aspect.
Object(v. t.) A word, phrase, or clause toward which an action is directed, or is considered to be directed; as, the object of a transitive verb.
Object(v. t.) To set before or against; to bring into opposition; to oppose.
Object(v. t.) To offer in opposition as a criminal charge or by way of accusation or reproach; to adduce as an objection or adverse reason.
Objectable(a.) Such as can be presented in opposition; that may be put forward as an objection.
Objected(imp. & p. p.) of Object
Objecting(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Object
Objection(n.) The act of objecting; as, to prevent agreement, or action, by objection.
Objection(n.) That which is, or may be, presented in opposition; an adverse reason or argument; a reason for objecting; obstacle; impediment; as, I have no objection to going; unreasonable objections.
Objection(n.) Cause of trouble; sorrow.
Objective(a.) Of or pertaining to an object.
Objective(a.) Of or pertaining to an object; contained in, or having the nature or position of, an object; outward; external; extrinsic; -- an epithet applied to whatever ir exterior to the mind, or which is simply an object of thought or feeling, and opposed to subjective.
Objective(a.) Pertaining to, or designating, the case which follows a transitive verb or a preposition, being that case in which the direct object of the verb is placed. See Accusative, n.
Objective(n.) The objective case.
Objective(n.) An object glass. See under Object, n.
Objective(n.) Same as Objective point, under Objective, a.
Objectively(adv.) In the manner or state of an object; as, a determinate idea objectively in the mind.
Objectiveness(n.) Objectivity.
Objectivity(n.) The state, quality, or relation of being objective; character of the object or of the objective.

Words within objectable