Maiden(a.) Of or pertaining to a maiden, or to maidens; suitable to, or characteristic of, a virgin; as, maiden innocence.
Maiden(a.) Never having been married; not having had sexual intercourse; virgin; -- said usually of the woman, but sometimes of the man; as, a maiden aunt.
Maiden(a.) Fresh; innocent; unpolluted; pure; hitherto unused.
Maiden(a.) Used of a fortress, signifying that it has never been captured, or violated.
Maiden(n.) An unmarried woman; a girl or woman who has not experienced sexual intercourse; a virgin; a maid.
Maiden(n.) A female servant.
Maiden(n.) An instrument resembling the guillotine, formerly used in Scotland for beheading criminals.
Maiden(n.) A machine for washing linen.
Maiden(v. t.) To act coyly like a maiden; -- with it as an indefinite object.
Maidenly(a.) Like a maid; suiting a maid; maiden-like; gentle, modest, reserved.
Maidenly(adv.) In a maidenlike manner.

Words within maidenism