Incommodate(v. t.) To incommode.
Incommodated(imp. & p. p.) of Incommodate
Incommodating(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incommodate
Incommodation(n.) The state of being incommoded; inconvenience.
Incommode(n.) An inconvenience.
Incommode(v. t.) To give inconvenience or trouble to; to disturb or molest; to discommode; to worry; to put out; as, we are incommoded by want of room.
Incommoded(imp. & p. p.) of Incommode
Incommodement(n.) The act of incommoded.
Incommoding(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Incommode
Incommodities(pl. ) of Incommodity
Incommodity(n.) Inconvenience; trouble; annoyance; disadvantage; encumbrance.

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