Convent(v. i.) A coming together; a meeting.
Convent(v. i.) An association or community of recluses devoted to a religious life; a body of monks or nuns.
Convent(v. i.) A house occupied by a community of religious recluses; a monastery or nunnery.
Convent(v. i.) To meet together; to concur.
Convent(v. i.) To be convenient; to serve.
Convent(v. t.) To call before a judge or judicature; to summon; to convene.
Conventical(a.) Of or from, or pertaining to, a convent.
Convention(v. i.) The act of coming together; the state of being together; union; coalition.
Convention(v. i.) General agreement or concurrence; arbitrary custom; usage; conventionality.
Convention(v. i.) A meeting or an assembly of persons, esp. of delegates or representatives, to accomplish some specific object, -- civil, social, political, or ecclesiastical.
Convention(v. i.) An extraordinary assembly of the parkiament or estates of the realm, held without the king's writ, -- as the assembly which restored Charles II. to the throne, and that which declared the throne to be abdicated by James II.
Convention(v. i.) An agreement or contract less formal than, or preliminary to, a treaty; an informal compact, as between commanders of armies in respect to suspension of hostilities, or between states; also, a formal agreement between governments or sovereign powers; as, a postal convention between two governments.
Conventional(a.) Formed by agreement or compact; stipulated.
Conventional(a.) Growing out of, or depending on, custom or tacit agreement; sanctioned by general concurrence or usage; formal.
Conventional(a.) Based upon tradition, whether religious and historical or of artistic rules.
Conventional(a.) Abstracted; removed from close representation of nature by the deliberate selection of what is to be represented and what is to be rejected; as, a conventional flower; a conventional shell. Cf. Conventionalize, v. t.
Conventionalism(n.) That which is received or established by convention or arbitrary agreement; that which is in accordance with the fashion, tradition, or usage.
Conventionalism(n.) The principles or practice of conventionalizing. See Conventionalize, v. t.
Conventionalities(pl. ) of Conventionality
Conventionality(n.) The state of being conventional; adherence to social formalities or usages; that which is established by conventional use; one of the customary usages of social life.

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