Unscramble Words in Word Games
Are you stuck in your favorite word scramble game, such as Scrabble, Words with Friends, Text Twist or other? Our Word Unscrambler
is the perfect word finder tool to help you get back in the game! This word finder will quickly unscramble words or random scrambled letters and find all possible playable words.
Many word games exist where you must make words out of jumbled letters. They are undoubtedly fun board games or online games that exercise your mind and may even teach you new words along the way.
The thing is, unscrambling letters and creating a list of word combinations is often challenging - especially when you get presented with letters that are least-used in most words.
So with that in mind, how can you unscramble words from a mix of random letters?
Pair Letters That Appear Frequently
Perhaps one of the easiest things to do is start pairing letters that
frequently appear in words. When you have a jumbled selection of scrambled
letters, scan them for the ones that you often see together, such as:
- AN
- CH;
- EE;
- FF;
- ON;
- PH;
- QU;
- SH;
- SS;
- TT.
It’s likely when you unscramble letters and follow that essential tip that
you will find a pair that could be the key to a longer word combination.
Look For Prefixes and Suffixes
Whether you’re playing Words with Friends or any other word game, another
excellent way to find words is by looking at common prefixes and suffixes.
Examples of common prefixes include:
- DE (deactivate, devalue, deduce);
- DIS (disagree, disappear, dissect);
- EN (encase, enclose, entangle);
- HYPER (hyperactive, hyperbole, hypersensitive);
- MICRO (microcosm, microscope, microwave).
Here are some examples of suffixes you could find in random letters:
- ACY (delicacy, fallacy, privacy);
- ATE (communicate, regulate, repudiate);
- ISM (communism, narcissism, skepticism);
- OUS (delicious, pretentious, vicious).
Look For Short Words
Some of your favorite word games might require you to form sentences once
you’ve unscrambled letters. With that in mind, you should look out for one,
two, and three-letter words.
Many sentences, for instance, start with the word “the,” so it makes sense
to look for common short words like that. Here are some examples of common
short words to inspire you when solving word puzzles:
One-Letter Words
Two-Letter Words
- AS;
- AT;
- BE;
- BY;
- DO;
- HE;
- IF;
- IN;
- IS;
- IT;
- OF;
- ON;
- OR;
- SO;
- TO;
- WE.
Three-Letter Words
- AND;
- DAY;
- GET;
- HAD;
- HAS;
- HER;
- HIS;
- MAN;
- OUR;
- OUT;
- THE;
- WAY;
- WHO.
Experiment With Consonants and Vowels
Another neat trick for coming up with possible words is to experiment with
consonants and vowels. If you didn’t know, a consonant is any letter that
isn’t a vowel, and vowels are the letters A, E, I, O, and U.
For example, let’s assume you have the letters D, G, I, N, N, O, P, and U:
- You notice the vowel combination “OU”;
- You also see the suffix or syllable “ING”;
- After looking at different combinations, you conclude the word is
Visualize Words With Actual Word Tiles
When you want to make words to create a valid word list, another idea that
can help you is to visualize words with actual word tiles. So, if you’re
playing with Scrabble and words aren’t immediately jumping out at you, take
some spare word tiles to create new words.
For some people, visualizing words in front of them instead of from a
computer screen can help. You may also want to write down some word lists
created from the jumbled letters, as it can help find the highest scoring
Create Words Around Vowels
One of the simplest ways to unscramble long words and find valid words is
by constructing words around vowels. It’s arguably one of the most popular
unscrambling examples because you can work your way through vowels and
create syllables, and build up words from there.
Remember, though, that while it’s a standard way of finding all the
possible words and letter combinations, it can be a time-consuming
endeavor. Still, it’s a comprehensive way of finding the right letter
combination to create one long word or several smaller ones.
Use a Dictionary
Sometimes when you’re playing Scrabble or other word games, you might come
across a word scramble that almost drives you crazy. You tried the
techniques above to create an unscrambled word or make sense of several
scrambled words, but you’ve hit a blank.
Did you know that using a dictionary can help you find the best word or
unscrambled words to progress in your game? Sometimes, just looking at a
list of words with particular prefixes or suffixes, for example, can help
you discover the answers.
Know the Anatomy of Words
It doesn’t matter if you play Word Cookies, Word Sundials, or any other
word games. The one thing that can give you a competitive advantage is
understanding the anatomy of words and how they get formed.
For instance, if you don’t know your consonants from your conjunctions,
it’s worth familiarizing yourself with how words and sentences get
structured. That way, you can rearrange letter words to create unscrambled
What to Do if You're Still Stuck
What happens if you’ve tried all the tips, tricks, and techniques above,
but you’re not getting very far in your quest to win a particular word
game? There are a couple of things you can do if using your brainpower
alone isn’t helping:
Use Word Unscrambler Tools
A word unscrambler or word finder is a word unscramble tool that can
quickly and easily provide you with a list of valid words. It’s a tool
specifically created for making sense of jumbled letters and rearranging
them to find what you need in seconds.
The way word unscramblers work is simple. Firstly, you type in your list of
jumbled letters into an input box or search bar and press a submit button.
A few seconds later, it will return a list of valid words. That’s it!
Ask a Friend for Help
If you’d rather not use a word unscrambler tool, how about a human word
solver? You could simply ask a friend for some help, as another person
might easily spot patterns in your jumbled letters.
Good luck!
A Word Unscrambler For Every Occasion
Our word scrambler and unscrambler can be used in more help in virtually any word game. We also receive emails about how our word unscrambler helps in escape rooms, baby showers, tests (not recommended), and other day-to-day situations.
We made using our word finder tools as simple as possible. All you have to do is enter any scrambled word or scrambled letters, use '?' for unknown letters (wildcards). Under advanced options, you can choose what you want the word to start with/end with and click unscramble. We will find anagrams, words within your word or any length.
Don't think of it as cheating, think of it as training! After all, practice makes perfect.
Word of the Day
Ready to learn a new word? Here is a playable word from the Scrabble Dictionary. You can find all the information on this word below.
Today's Word is Uniformity
Click here to use our word unscrambler to create a word list of words that can be unscrambled from uniformity. Each word can be used in Scrabble, Scrabble Go and Words With Friends!
Facts about uniformity
- UNIFORMITY is worth 18 points in Scrabble!
- Base Word: uniform
- A definition for uniform is: Similitude between the parts of a whole; as, the uniformity of sides in a regular figure; beauty is said to consist in uniformity with variety..
- The part of speech for uniform is N.
- UNIFORMITY is 10 letters long
- UNIFORMITY starts with U